
Attendance & Absences

Daily attendance is important to your child’s academic growth.  We require a written notice from parents/guardians following absences, stating the date(s) and reason.  In addition, you can help us by calling the school office when your child is ill or needs to be out of school for more than two days.  Excessive absences will require a doctor’s statement.  Students must be in attendance for a minimum of four (4) hours of instructional time to be considered present each day.  Brevard County School Policy stipulates that a student who is absent more than nine (9) days within a semester will not receive a passing grade for the semester unless they go through the Appeals Process.  Parents must submit an Appeals Packet to the Attendance Committee for review. The parent or guardian will be notified in writing when a child accumulates five absences in a semester. Magnet students with excessive absences may be asked to return to their home school.